
Taxonomic status Not accepted

Leymus is closely allied to Elytrigia and Thinopyrum, being a genus of rhizomatous perennials but typically with the spikelets in groups of 2–4 at each node of the rachis.

Two species of Leymus have been collected in Victoria, but neither since 1945 and neither is considered naturalised in the State. Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst. (syn. Elymus arenarius L.) is characterized in having glumes 2–3 mm wide, with 3–5 distinct veins. It had sometimes been included in censuses of the State’s flora on the basis of specimens from Dimboola (where noted as occurring in a garden) and Portland, both around 1900. Leymus multicaulis (Karelin & Kir.) Tzvelev (syn. Elymus multicaulis Karelin & Kir.) has narrow, indistinctly 1-veined glumes and was collected from a paddock near Cohuna in 1945., but in the absence of more recent collections, it would appear that the species has not persisted there or elsewhere.