Shrub or small tree to c. 10 m high; branchlets appressed pubescent when young. Leaves flat, narrowly elliptic to elliptic, 3–8.5 cm long, 5–25 mm wide, usually entire, rarely with 1(–4) pair of teeth; apex mucronate; venation obscure. Inflorescence 22–28-flowered; bracts densely tomentose; rachis 3.5–4 mm long, villous; pedicel 3–5 mm long, glabrous; perianth 2.5–3 mm long, white, glabrous; pistil 5–6.5 mm long; pollen presenter conical. Fruit obliquely ovate, 2–3 cm long, 1.2–2 cm wide, warted, not beaked; horns to 6 mm long; seed not occupying whole valve face, 11–16 mm long; wing only partly down one side of seed-body, blackish. Flowers Aug.–Oct.
MuF, OtP. Native to south-western Western Australia. Occasionally cultivated, known in Victoria from a single population near Aireys Inlet.