Pterostylis grandiflora
R.Br. Cobra GreenhoodFlowering plant to 40 cm tall, stem leaves 4–9. Rosette leaves 4–9, ovate, 0.5–2 cm long, 0.3–1 cm wide, petiolate, margins crisped. Flower 2.7–3.5 cm long, erect, green and white with deep red-brown suffusions in the galea; dorsal sepal acuminate to long-acuminate, decurved; lateral sepals erect, tightly embracing the galea, sinus flat or raised, protruding like a platform when viewed from the side, free points 3–5 cm long, filiform, erect; petal margins widely flared. Labellum oblong-ovate in basal half, suddenly tapered to a long linear-filiform section, 17–22 mm long, 3–3.5 mm wide, expanded and brown at the apex, the distal half protruding from the sinus in the set position. Flowers May–Aug.
GipP, Gold, EGL, EGU, WPro, HSF, HNF, Strz. Also Qld, NSW, Tas. Generally restricted and uncommon in near-coastal eastern Victoria, growing on moist, shady slopes in open-forest, on well-drained soil.
Jones, D.L. (1994). Pterostylis. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 2, Ferns and Allied Plants, Conifers and Monocotyledons, pp. 798–830. Inkata Press, Melbourne.