Androcalva rossii
(Guymer) C.F.Wilkins & Whitlock Native HempSpindly shrub or small tree to c. 8 m high. Leaves ovate or cordate, 5–31 cm long, 2–26 cm wide, irregularly toothed, sometimes somewhat 3-lobed, upper surface green, sparsely stellate-hairy, undersurface stellate-tomentose and grey or greenish-white; petioles 5–15 mm long. Inflorescence usually 10(or more)-flowered. Calyx segments 3–4.5 mm long, 2–2.5 mm wide, stellate-hairy on both surfaces, white internally, tinged pink externally; petals subequal to or longer than the calyx segments; staminodes 5, 3-lobed, glabrous, the inner lobe spathulate, about the length of the petals, the lateral lobes shorter than the inner. Capsule 15–25 mm diam., stellate-tomentose, bearing numerous bristles. Flowers Sep.–Oct.
GipP, EGL, EGU, HFE. Also NSW. In Victoria a rare species of warm-temperate rainforest margins, wet eucalypt forest and riparian scrub in the far east.
Androcalva fraseri (J.Gay) C.F.Wilkins & Whitlock (syn. Commersonia fraseri J.Gay) occurs in northern New South Wales and Queensland. It has smaller leaves than Androcalva rossii, with finer closer tomentum on both surfaces.