Trachyandra divaricata
(Jacq.) KunthPlants tufted to 70 cm high. Rhizome thick, woody. Leaves linear, somewhat fleshy, to 100 cm long, 4–12 mm wide, glabrous or irregularly papillose on margins, surrounded at base by tubular scales. Inflorescence 10–70 cm long, stout at base, divaricately branched above. Flowers erect to spreading; pedicle usually exceeding bract; perianth segments 7–14 mm long, spreading, white with a green nerve and a yellow spot at base; stamens 7–9 mm long, dimorphic, the outer 3 spreading, inner 3 connivent; ovary with 12 ovules per locule. Capsule globose to ovoid, to 10 mm long; seeds tetrahedral, c. 1–2 mm long, smooth.
Naturalised in WA, SA, NSW. Native to the south west Cape region of South Africa.
Known from a single collection in Victoria from Coode Island, near Melbourne in 1912. It has apparently not been sighted or collected in this area since and is now thought to be extinct in Victoria. It is a weed of sand dunes of south-west Western Australia, Adelaide beaches and the central coast area of New South Wales.