Caladenia leptochila subsp. leptochila
Flowering plant 15–45 cm tall. Flowers 1 or 2; perianth segments 3.5–6.5 cm long, yellowish-green with red central stripe, lateral sepals and petals usually upcurved (sometimes spreading), divergent; sepals flattened at base, 3–4 mm wide, tapered to filiform points, with thickened apical clubs 5–8 mm long, of blackish, contiguous, sessile glands; petals similar to sepals but not clubbed. Labellum curved forwards, narrow, oblong, 12–15 mm long and 5–7 mm wide (when flattened), dark red, lateral lobes lacking, mid-lobe recurved; margins entire or very shortly toothed; lamina calli in 4 rows not extending beyond bend, sessile, short, black. Flowers Sep.–Nov.
GipP, Gold, HSF. Apparently now extinct in Victoria, but recorded early in the 20th century from several widely dispersed localities (e.g. Mt Bolangum near St Arnaud, Cheltenham, Healesville, Wilsons Promontory).
Characterized by its narrow virtually entire labellum and usually upturned perianth segments.
It is surprising that such a distinctive species has not been seen recently, particularly as the habitats at some of the known localities are likely to have remained intact since the initial collection.