Glaucium corniculatum
(L.) Rudolph Horned PoppyPlants annual or occasionally biennial, to 50 cm high; stems branched. Leaves to 25 cm long; blades pinnately lobed, deeply dentate, silver-grey, the lower lyrate, upper ovate, sometimes slightly cordate and stem-clasping. Pedicels stout, to 5 cm long; sepals 15–30 mm long; petals obovate, to 40 mm long, orange to reddish-orange, usually with a blackish basal spot. Capsules straight or somewhat arcuate, to 25 cm long, appressed pubescent or glabrescent. Flowers Sep.–Jan.
MuM, Strz. Also naturalised in inland areas of WA, SA, Qld, NSW. Native to Europe. Known from a few occurrences in cereal crops near Rainbow and Swan Hill.
Kiger, R.W. (1996). Glaucium. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 3, Dicotyledons Winteraceae to Myrtaceae, pp. 66–67. Inkata Press, Melbourne.