Erect, prostrate or sprawling shrub to 4 m high; branchlets glabrous or villous. Leaves flat, elliptic to broadly obovate, 1.5–5.5 cm long, 10–35 mm wide, toothed distally, with up to 13 pairs of spine-tipped teeth, auriculate, apex spine-tipped; venation obscure. Inflorescence 10–16-flowered; rachis 4.5–9.5 mm long, villous or glabrous; pedicel 6–10.5 mm long, glabrous; perianth 3.5–5.5 mm long, cream-white, pink or red, glabrous; pistil 8.5–13 mm long; pollen presenter an oblique disc. Fruit ovate, 2.3–3.8 cm long, 1–1.6 cm wide, smooth or with scattered prickles, usually beaked; seed occupying almost all of valve face, 18–20 mm long; wing partly extending down one or both sides of seed body. Flowers Jul.–Oct.
MuF, GGr. Native to south-western WA. In Victoria known from an incursion in a wildflower plantation (ie. Protea, Leucadendron, and Erica plants grown for cut flower trade) near the Grampians National Park.