Erythranthe guttata
(Fisch. ex DC.) G.L.Nesom Monkey FlowerProcumbent or ascending, glabrous perennial, branches to 50 cm long. Leaves not joined at nodes, lamina broad-ovate, 20–30 mm long, 10–25 mm wide, apex acute, base rounded, margins toothed, 5–7-veined from base; lower leaves with petiole 2–5 mm long, upper ones sessile. Flowers solitary in axils; pedicels 2–6 cm long. Calyx 15–20 mm long, teeth unequal, the upper c. 4 mm long, others c. 2 mm long; corolla yellow, tube 15–20 mm long with fine red lines, lobes rounded, more or less equal, spreading, with 2 hairy ridges down the lower side of the open mouth. Capsule obovoid, 4–5 mm long. Flowers mostly Sep.–Mar.
VVP, CVU, VAlp. Also naturalised NSW. Native to North America. Locally naturalised garden-escape in the Creswick–Dayslesford and Mount Buller Resort areas, and sometimes occurring with Erythranthe moschata.