Moraea aristata
(D.Delaroche) Asch. & Graebn.Herb 25–35 cm tall. Corm 1.0–1.5 cm diam., outer layers fibrous. Leaves solitary, basal. Inflorescence with scape unbranched, sometimes 1-branched. Lower primary bracts c. 3 cm long; distal primary bracts with inner one 5–7 cm long, outer one c. 3 cm long. Flowers white with prominent deep blue, pubescent ‘centre’. Perianth parts free; outer perianth 3.0–3.5 cm long, ovate, spreading, abruptly narrowed and pubescent basally; inner perianth 1.5–2.0 cm long, trifid, central lobe acute, spreading, lateral lobes shorter, obtuse. Staminal filaments united for much of their length; anthers c. 5 mm long. Ovary to 10 mm long; style branches 7–8 mm long, crests 6–7 mm long, narrowly triangular. Capsules obovoid, 1.5–2.0 cm long.
VVP, DunT. Native to Cape Town, South Africa, where it is thought to be close to extinction in the wild. Naturalised in Victoria, known from Coleraine and Hamilton, in south-western part of the State.