Pterostylis setifera
M.A.Clem.Flowering plant to 30 cm tall, stem leaves 5–8, closely sheathing. Rosette leaves 5–10, obovate to oblong, 2–4 cm long, 6–12 mm wide, margins glabrous or minutely ciliate. Flowers 2–10, erect, c. 1.8 cm long, transparent with green and light brown suffusions; dorsal sepal with an upcurved filiform point 4–5 mm long; lateral sepals deflexed, conjoined part elliptic in outline when flattened, shallowly concave, margins flat, ciliate, free points filamentous, 7–10 mm long, curved or hooked forwards, divergent, c. 12 mm apart at the tips; petals with a well-developed proximal flange nearly blocking off the base of the galea. Labellum lanceolate, 4–4.5 mm long, 2–2.5 mm wide, thick, protruding prominently; marginal hairs in 10–15 pairs, 1–4.5 mm long, white, spreading; basal lobe hardly raised, with numerous white hairs to 1.5 mm long. Flowers Sep.–Nov.
Gold. Also SA, Qld, NSW. Scattered across northern Victoria between Wedderburn and Rushworth in mallee scrub and Box/Ironbark forests on well-drained gravelly soils.
Forms sporadic hybrids with Pterostylis boormanii.
Jones, D.L. (1994). Pterostylis. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 2, Ferns and Allied Plants, Conifers and Monocotyledons, pp. 798–830. Inkata Press, Melbourne.