Dioicous. Asexual propagules absent. Loose wefts on tree trunks, exposed roots, rocks or occasionally soil. Stems differentiated into creeping primary stems and erect-ascendant secondary stems, with dense or sparse ventral tufts of reddish-brown rhizoids in leaf axils where in contact with substrate; central strand indistinct or absent (not in Victoria) throughout stems, absent or rarely indistinct (not in Victoria) in branches; pseudoparaphyllia foliose; primary stems sparingly branched, pale brown; secondary stems differentiated into a basal stipe section and a regular or irregularly 1–3-pinnately branched frond section; branches nearly straight or rarely curved when dry, mostly complanate. Stipe and frond leaves differentiated, weakly to strongly concave; apex obtuse, acute or acuminate, sometimes mucronate; costae usually double in lower half or extending to 3/5 of leaf length (not in Victoria), or absent; margins entire or denticulate, plane or occasionally inflexed; mid-laminal cells linear, prorate, becoming shorter toward base and apex where rhomboid; alar cells weakly differentiated, shorter, more pigmented, sometimes forming a triangular group; stipe leaves oblong to obovate or orbicular, erect and imbricate or patent and well-separated; frond axis leaves obovate, ovate or orbicular, erect- to wide-spreading, sometimes imbricate, rarely falcate-secund, arranged around stem and facing all directions to complanate, wrinkled, striate or not altered when dry; branch leaves similar to frond-axis leaves but smaller. Capsule erect to horizontal, straight or curved, ellipsoid, oblong or cylindric, with a well-differentiated annulus. Calyptra cucullate, smooth, glabrous. Opercula conic to apiculate or rostrate from conic base. Exostome teeth with a distinct shoulder; endostome equal to or greater than exostome height, with a basal membrane c. ½ endostome height; cilia present.
In a revision of Camptochaete Tangney (1997) divided the genus into two sections. Section Camptochaete is defined by appressed and imbricate stipe leaves and a conic to apiculate operculum, and is represented in Victoria by C. arbuscula (Sm.) Reichardt and C. deflexa (Wilson ex Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger. Section Thamniella has patent and distant stipe leaves and rostrate opercula, and is represented in Victoria by C. excavata (Taylor) A.Jaeger.