Pterostylis unicornis
(D.L.Jones) D.L.JonesFlowering plant to 35 cm tall, stem leaves 2–4, closely sheathing. Rosette leaves 5–20, elliptic, 1–4.5 cm long, 4–12 mm wide, petiolate, margins entire. Flower 35–40 mm long, erect, translucent with dark green lines and reticulations, often shiny; galea erect in the basal two-thirds then curved forwards; dorsal sepal with an upturned filiform point 4–6 mm long; lateral sepals deflexed, conjoined part narrow, margins incurved, with a prominent thickened green pad, free points linear, 13–16 mm long, parallel or slightly divergent. Labellum 15–25 mm long, broadest near the base (c. 1.5 mm across), tapered to a linear-filiform central section and with a green (occasionally brown) apical knob c. 4.5 mm long and c. 3 mm wide, all margins, except those of the knob, bearing moderately dense bright yellow hairs 3–6 mm long, the distal two-thirds protruding from the sinus in the set position. Flowers Sep.–Oct.
OtP. Endemic to Victoria where apparently confined to heathland and heathy woodland in the Anglesea area, on well-drained sandy soils.
Similar to Pterostylis plumosa, but generally more robust with slightly larger flowers and usually a green knob on the labellum apex.