Erodium brachycarpum
(Godr.) Thell.Ascending to decumbent annual to 50 cm high; lower stems with spreading eglandular hairs, upper stems, peduncles and pedicels with short glandular hairs, with or without longer eglandular hairs. Leaf lamina c. oblong to obovate in outline, 3–12 cm long, 1–4 cm wide, the lower usually shallowly lobed, the upper pinnatifid, lobes toothed, with scattered, stiff white hairs especially towards margins; petiole 1–10 cm long, hirsute. Inflorescence (1–)2–4-flowered; peduncle 2–3.5 cm long (to 10 cm in fruit); pedicels 5–10 mm long; sepals 4.5–6 mm long (to 10 mm in fruit), moderately to densely hairy with glandular and eglandular hairs; petals slightly longer that sepals, blue. Mericarps c. 8 mm long, with one shallow pit, sparsely hispid near the apex, on either side at base of awn (sometimes an indistinct furrow below the pit), the lower margin of the pit obtuse to acute; awn 6–8 cm long. Flowers Jun.–Oct.
Wim, VVP, VRiv, MuF, Gold, DunT, NIS, HSF. Also naturalised SA, NSW, ACT. Native to North Africa. An occasional weed of paddocks, roadsides etc. in the north of the State.
Smith, L.P.; Walsh, N.G. (1999). Geraniaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 218–242. Inkata Press, Melbourne.