Billardiera macrantha
Hook.f.Twiner with shining brown glabrescent stems. Leaves subsessile, oblong or narrowly elliptic, 20–60 mm long, 2–10 mm wide, entirely glabrous or sparsely ciliate on margins. Flowers solitary (rarely paired), usually terminal, pendent; sepals lanceolate, 5–9 mm long, glabrous; corolla glabrous, tubular or narrowly campanulate, 25–40 mm long, with lobes not or hardly spreading, splitting to base at maturity or remaining fused only about the middle, entirely yellow-green; stamens and style subequal to corolla. Berry plump-ovoid to cylindric, 15–35 mm long, shining purple, unilocular; seeds ellipsoid, c. 2 mm long, smooth, surrounded by, but not embedded in the dryish pulp. Flowers Oct.–Feb.
VRiv, GipP, OtP, WaP, CVU, GGr, NIS, EGL, EGU, WPro, HSF, HNF, OtR, Strz, MonT, HFE, VAlp. Also NSW, ACT, Tas. Common in tall open-forests of the Otways and mountain ranges east of Melbourne, with isolated occurrences at Mt Macedon and the Grampians.
The name Billardiera longiflora Labill. has been misapplied to this species in Victoria. Billardiera longiflora only occurs in Tasmania, and can be distinguished from Victorian plants by its shorter leaves and petals.

Cayzer, L.W.; Crisp, M.D.; Telford, I.R.H. (2004). Cladistic analysis and revision of Billardiera (Pittosporaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 17(1): 83–125.