Ptilotus sessilifolius
(Lindl.) BenlWeakly shrubby perennial to c. 80 cm high and wide. Stems and leaves appearing greyish from a moderately dense stellate indumentum. Leaves lanceolate to oblanceolate, less commonly ovate or obovate, 1–12 cm long, 3–25 mm wide, margins often undulate, scattered along branches, the lower ones petiolate, sometimes rosetted. Spikes hemispherical, 1–2.5 cm long, 2.5–3 cm diam., relatively sparse, pink, or white with pink tips; bract ovate or orbicular, 3–4 mm long, acute or shortly mucronate, brown, pubescent; bracteoles broadly elliptic, obtuse or truncate, 1–2 mm longer than bract; perianth 12–15 mm long; tepals fused for c. 1.5 mm at base, otherwise free, outer surface with long, silky hairs in the distal half (but apex glabrous and exposed for c. 1 mm), overlying a denser layer of shorter barbed hairs that extend to the base, inner surface long-woolly toward base, elsewhere glabrous, but marginal hairs often inflexed and overlaying surface; fertile stamens 3; ovary shortly stalked, glabrous. Flowers mainly Oct.–Mar.
LoM, MuM, VRiv, RobP, MuF. All mainland States. Occasional on loamy, usually limestone-rich sands in far north-western Victoria (Mildura, Robinvale, Ouyen areas); also recorded from Swan Hill and Kerang areas.
![Ptilotus sessilifolius (hero image)](