Grevillea australis
R.Br. Alpine GrevilleaSpreading to prostrate, dense shrub, 0.3–1.2 m high. Leaves entire, narrowly obovate-elliptic or linear, 0.5–3(-4.5) cm long, 0.5–5.5 mm wide; lower surface with a dense appressed indumentum usually covering the midvein but entire surface sometimes wholly obscured by the revolute or recurved margin (margin refraction along intramarginal vein, usually uneven). Conflorescences terminal or subterminal-axillary, erect, loosely clustered or dome-shaped; ultimate rachises 1–2.5 mm long, tomentose; perianth white to pale pink, sometimes with brownish hairs on limb segments, outside coarsely subsericeous, inside usually glabrous or with the cushion-like pulvinus near the base occasionally with a tuft of hairs; pistil 6–7.5 mm long, cream (sometimes tipped pink), ovary stipitate, glabrous, style sharply incurved in apical 2 mm, pollen-presenter oblique. Fruits glabrous. Flowers mostly Dec.–Feb.
GipP, NIS, EGU, HSF, HNF, VAlp. Also NSW, Tas. Occurring on high peaks and plateaus from Mt Buller and Mt Baw Baw eastwards to the upper Buchan River area, usually in heath or woodland, often in moist rocky sites, swamps, or grasslands.
Occasionally confused with Grevillea alpivaga which has the midvein on the leaf undersurface only sparsely hairy.
Makinson, R.O. (1996). Grevillea. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 3, Dicotyledons Winteraceae to Myrtaceae, pp. 845–870. Inkata Press, Melbourne.