Goodenia pusilliflora
F.Muell. Small-flower GoodeniaDecumbent to ascending annual to 15 cm high; stems with simple spreading hairs. Leaves sparsely pubescent; basal leaves petiolate, ascending, rosetted, oblong to obovate or narrow-oblanceolate, 2–8 cm long, 5–15 mm wide, obtuse, lyrate or margins toothed; cauline leaves smaller, toothed or lobed. Inflorescences terminal racemes to 20 cm long, or subumbels; pedicels articulate, 1–7 cm long; bracteoles absent. Sepals elliptic, 2–3 mm long, usually pilose, occasionally glabrous; corolla 5–7 mm long, pubescent outside and towards base inside, yellow, abaxial lobes 1–3 mm long, wings 1–1.5 mm wide; indusium depressed-obovate, notched; ovules 4–6. Fruit subglobose, 5–7 mm long, compressed, valves entire; seeds elliptic to orbicular, 3.5–4 mm long, reticulate, black, wing c. 1 mm wide. Flowers mainly Jul.–Oct.
LoM, MuM, Wim, VVP, VRiv, MSB, RobP, MuF, Gold, GGr, NIS. Also WA, SA, NSW. In Victoria confined to north-western and northern areas where often abundant on periodically moist sandy soils.
Jeanes, J.A. (1999). Goodeniaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 589–615. Inkata Press, Melbourne.