Triphysaria pusilla
(Benth.) T.I.Chuang & HeckardAscending annual 5–25 cm high; stems much-branched from base. Leaves broadly linear to pinnate, 1–3 cm long; lobes filiform, hispidulous. Inflorescence elongate, almost from base of stem; bracts 5–12 mm long, 1–2-pinnatifid with filiform divisions; calyx 5–7 mm long with subulate-triangular lobes, subequal; corolla 5–6 mm long, dull brownish-purple, lower lip shallowly 3-saccate, shorter than beak, beak hooked at tip. Capsule oblong to subglobose, 4–6 mm long; seeds ovoid or narrowly ellipsoid, black. In Victoria recorded flowering Oct.–Dec.
VVP, GipP, WaP, CVU, NIS. Native to southwest Canada and western U.S.A. In Victoria known from several records throughout the state between 1905 to 1923 but more recently (1996) recorded from a racecourse near Meeniyan.