Brachythecium latinervium
HedenäsSexual condition unknown. Branch and stem leaves differentiated; cells linear, 63–151 μm long, 8.5–14.5 (–17) μm wide, smooth; alar cells short to elongate-rectangular, slightly inflated, in some leaves scarcely differentiated, when differentiated forming a poorly delimited triangular to transversely triangular group extending from leaf margin to 15–25% of distance to costae. Stem leaves erect and ±imbricate when moist, slightly shrunken and twisted when dry, broadly ovate or cordate-ovate, concave, plicate; costae often forked, sometimes short and double; apices acuminate, without a hair-point; margins denticulate toward apices, often narrowly reflexed or recurved near base. Branch leaves orbicular to broadly ovate; apices rounded or obtuse; margins denticulate. Sporophytes unknown.
VAlp. Beside creeks or wet ground in alpine shrubland on the Bogong High Plains and Baw Baw Plateau. Also NSW.