Erect herb to 1 m high, often multi-stemmed; branches usually glabrous or almost so. Leaves mostly radical, elliptic to spathulate, to 20 cm long, to 5 cm wide, apex acute or obtuse, base attenuate, usually glabrous; petiole to 8 cm long, narrowly winged; upper cauline leaves narrower, usually sessile. Inflorescences terminal, panicle-like, usually few-branched, pubescent with glandular hairs. Flowers on pedicels to c. 15 mm long; calyx campanulate or tubular, 4–12 mm long, pubescent, intersepalar membranes usually conspicuous; corolla white, tube 8–20 mm long, 1–3 mm wide at apex of calyx, pubescent, limb 5–12 mm diam., lobes obtuse or notched; stamens unequal, upper 4 filaments to 4.5 mm long, lower filament 4–10 mm long. Capsule ellipsoid to ovoid-ellipsoid, 5–10 mm long; seeds C-shaped, 0.5–1.0 mm long, wrinkled. Flowers mainly spring and summer.
LoM, MuM, VRiv, MSB, GipP, CVU. Also WA, SA, NSW. In Victoria, confined to the north-west where rare and found mostly in alkaline soils, often in sand overlying limestone.