Cycnogeton multifructum
(Aston) Mering & KadereitSimilar to Cycnogeton procerum but tubers typically plumper, 13–40 mm long, 4–14 mm diam., c. 1.5–5 times as long as broad; leaves similar but usually floating, seldom erect, 43–133 cm long, 3.5–17(–34) mm wide; rachis and pedicels of inflorescence usually distinctively pale to deep maroon-cyclamen, rarely green; scape at fruiting c. 29–76 cm long, 3.5–15 mm diam.; infructescence comparatively slender, 12–36.5(–110) cm long, 10–19 mm diam.; fruits distinctive, crowded, many (c. 220–1000 per infructescence), ± globular in outline, small, 3–5 mm long, 3–5 mm diam.; carpels 6(–8), normally all maturing, rarely one aborting; mature carpels ventrally attached along 57–75% of the carpel length, straight, never twisted, each with prominent narrow dorsal and lateral keels. Fruits Oct.–Jun.
LoM, MuM, Wim, VVP, VRiv, RobP, MuF, GipP, Gold, CVU, NIS, EGL. Also NT, SA, Qld, NSW, ACT. Common in central-northern parts of the State, in irrigation channels, ditches, lagoons, swamps and creeks. One outlying record (Feb. 1980) from near Orbost probably represents a recent introduction to that locality. It is the sole record from East Gippsland.
Outside Victoria and New South Wales, most collections have fruits more ellipsoid and often larger (4.5–8.5 mm long and 2.8–5 mm diam.). Plants may be also more slender.