Caladenia clavescens
(D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh.Flowering plant 20–35 cm tall. Leaf 8–14 cm long, 6–12 mm wide. Flower usually solitary, sometimes 2; perianth segments 3.5–6.5 cm long, dark red to maroon, sometimes cream or pinkish; sepals flattened at base, 3–4 mm wide, gradually tapered to a long tail, sometimes somewhat expanded and club-like, densely covered distally in crowded ovoid to cylindric glands; petals shorter than sepals but otherwise similar. Labellum curved forward with apex recurved and lateral lobes erect, lamina broadly ovate-lanceolate, obscurely 3-lobed, 14–18 mm long and 8–11 mm wide (when flattened), dark purplish; margins of lateral lobes fringed with linear calli to 1.8 mm long; margins of mid-lobe with shorter calli extending to the labellum apex, or margins becoming entire towards apex; lamina calli in 4 or 6 rows, extending well onto the mid-lobe, narrow, foot-shaped, c. 2 mm long at base of lamina, decreasing in size towards apex. Flowers Sep.–Oct.
Gold, CVU. Endemic to central Victoria where now known only from the Castlemaine region in box-ironbark forest on skeletal or stony brown loam.
Similar to Caladenia concolor but has larger flowers and more drooping perianth segments.