Terrestrial herbs arising from rounded underground tubers that are encased in a papery tunic. Leaf solitary, basal, linear to linear-lanceolate, hairy. Flowering stem erect, hairy, with a sheathing bract. Flowers with column uppermost, usually solitary, usually blue, (less often white, yellow or pink), with a sheathing bract below pedicel; dorsal sepal erect or recurved; lateral sepals and petals more or less equal to dorsal sepal, spreading to deflexed. Labellum hinged, erect at base, recurved distally, prominently or obscurely 3-lobed, margins smooth or lined distally with short calli, lamina with calli either clubbed and arranged in rows or globose and arranged randomly. Column incurved, winged; anther with a long acute apex.
A genus of 9 endemic species, 8 confined to Western Australia, the other widespread in south-eastern Australia.
Sometimes included in a more broadly circumscribed Caladenia as subgenus Trilobatae Hopper & A.P.Br. (eastern and Western Australia) and subgenus Pentisea (Lindl.) M.A.Clem. (Western Australia only) (Clements et al. 2015).

Clements, M.A.; Howard, C.G.; Miller, J.T. (2015). Caladenia revisited: results of molecular phylogenetic analyses of Caladeniinae plastid and nuclear loci.. American Journal of Botany 102(4): 581–597.