In an effort to deal with the high number of requests to VicFlora we have
moved the maps into a new subdomain. If the maps do not work, it might be
that your browser is still trying to connect to the old map server.
Clearing the browser's cache should clear that up. We hope that this
change, together with other changes we made in the last few weeks, will
bring about a positive change in user experience for VicFlora. Thanks to
all our users for hanging in there.
Taxonomic status
Not accepted
Astragalus hamosus L. (Yellow Milk-vetch), from the Mediterranean region, is recorded as naturalized in South Australia and New South Wales and although reported for Geelong (in 1946), it does not appear to be established in Victoria today. It is a low-growing pubescent annual with imparipinnate leaves, pale yellow flowers and cylindric pods that curve through a semicircle.