Long-rhizomatous perennial with leafy shoots usually rather distant. Culms erect, 1.5–28 cm high, each with up to c. 7 leaves and 1–4 cataphylls towards the base, rarely also with a cauline leaf, fibrous remains of old cataphylls ± persisting. Leaf-blades solid, longer or shorter than the culms, 0.5–1.3(–2) mm wide, flat or shallowly channelled, at least the midrib raised on the underside, apex acute or obtuse; auricles obtuse, to 0.8 mm long. Inflorescence few flowered, the flowers spaced along the ascending branches, or rarely 2 flowers close together; primary bract leaf-like, ± exceeding the inflorescence; prophylls present. Tepals with a broad green midrib when young, margins membranous, contrasting reddish-brown; outer tepals 4–6 mm long, with strongly incurved (and hooded) acute tips; inner shorter or equal to the outer, acute or obtuse; stamens 6, anthers 1.1–2 mm long. Capsules light brown at maturity, ellipsoid-ovoid, c. 3.8–5 mm long, obtuse or truncate ± with a fragile mucro, shorter than, equal to or slightly exceeding the tepals; seeds c. 0.5–0.7 mm long, slightly asymmetrical with very fine longitudinal and transverse ridges discernible only at high magnification, minutely apiculate at one or both ends. Flowers Oct.–Jan., seeds shed mainly Dec.–Apr.
VVP, GipP, OtP, WaP, GGr, DunT, EGL, EGU, WPro, HSF, HNF. Also NSW, Tas. Restricted to damp saline or subsaline communities near the coast, with a small number of outlying populations around saline lakes on the Volcanic Plain.