Austrothamnium pumilum
(Hook.f. & Wilson) EnrothPlant to c. 4 cm tall, pale or dark green. Stem green or brown at base, with red brown rhizoids restricted to base or in fascicles where in contact with substrate. Leaves on stipe distant and wide-spreading, otherwise erect-spreading and complanate, oblong, ovate or elliptic, 0.6–0.9 mm long, 0.25–0.4 mm wide, flat; apex acute; costa extending to ¾ of leaf length; margin serrate at apex, otherwise serrulate or entire at base, narrowly incurved on basiscopic side; laminal cells in apical half rhomboid, 10–23 μm long, 7.5–13 μm wide; basal laminal cells narrowly rectangular to linear, shorter toward margin, 15–30 μm long, 5–9 μm wide. Capsule inclined, ovoid.
VVP, EGU, Strz. Widespread along and south of the Great Dividing Range, beside streams usually among wet forest or on permanently wet rocks in caves or rainforest. Also QLD, NSW, Tas and Lord Howe Island. New Zealand.