Due to electrical works in the National Herbarium of Victoria there will
be a power outage that affects almost all services in VicFlora on
Monday, 23 December, from c. 7:30 am AEDT. We hope to have all services
back up by 9 am. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Olearia ramulosa var. stricta
Muelleria 1: 27 (1956)
APNI Taxonomic status
Not accepted
This name has been applied by Willis (1956) and Walsh & Lander (1999) to plants from inland sites with prominent septate hairs on stems and leaves as well as plants from montane sites with mauve or purplish ray florests and dense gland-tipped hairs on stems - the latter more recently treated as Olearia aff. ramulosa (Omeo). The former are now included in O. ramulosa var. ramulosa (see note under O. ramulosa) and the latter are now treated as Olearia stricta.