Bertya tasmanica subsp. vestita
Halford & R.J.F.Hend.Erect or spreading shrub 1–2.5 m high; branchlets greyish- or yellowish-tomentose, glabrescent with age. Leaves narrow-linear, mostly 1–3 cm long, 1–3 mm wide, non-resinous, apex acute or obtuse, base tapering into petiole, margins revolute, upper surface glabrous, hispid or scabrous, lower surface tomentose; petiole to c. 2 mm long. Flowers on peduncles 0–3 mm long; bracts mostly 7–10, 2–3.5 mm long, usually tomentose. Male perianth segments ovate, c. 4 mm long, more or less glabrous. Female perianth segments lanceolate, 5–6 mm long, scarcely enlarging in fruit, sparsely to densely hairy; ovary usually densely stellate-hairy, styles deeply 2–4-lobed. Capsule narrow-ovoid, 6–10 mm long, sparsely stellate-hairy. Flowers May–Jan.
LoM, MuM, Wim, NIS, HSF, HNF, OtR. Apart from isolated eastern records from rocky streamside habitats in the Omeo and Mt Buller areas, confined to the north-west of Victoria where locally common in sandy mallee and mallee-heath communities.
Halford & Henderson (2002) in their revision discuss four informal variants, three of which occur in Victoria (including the 'Typical variant'). The 'Typical variant' occurs in western Victoria. The 'Fine-haired variant' and the 'Glabrous-ovary variant' occur in eastern Victoria.
Jeanes, J.A. (1999). Euphorbiaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 55–82. Inkata Press, Melbourne.
Halford, D.A.; Henderson, R.J.F. (2002). Studies in Euphorbiaceae A.L.Juss. sens. lat. 3. A revision of Bertya Planch. (Ricinocarpeae Muell. Arg., Bertyinae Muell.Arg.). Austrobaileya 6(2): 187–245.