
Taxonomic status Accepted
Occurrence status Present
Origin Introduced

Erect, strongly aromatic, glabrous annual herbs with a slender taproot. Leaves ternate or 1–3-pinnate, petiolate. Inflorescence a compound umbel, terminal or lateral; involucral bracts absent or rarely 1; bracteoles several, linear. Flowers bisexual or male, white, pinkish or light purple; sepals prominent, acute, often unequal; petals obovate, apex inflexed, petals of peripheral flowers of outer umbellules enlarged; nectary conical. Fruit globose; vittae absent or solitary, obscure when mature; mericarps prominently 5-ribbed, with smaller secondary ribs in between; carpopodium deeply bifid at apex.

3 species native to the Mediterranean region; 1 species commonly cultivated and naturalised in Australia.

Created by: Daniel Ohlsen, 18 Aug. 2016