Pterostylis clivosa
(D.L.Jones) D.L.JonesFlowering plant 10–45 cm tall, stem wiry, stem leaves 2–4, closely sheathing. Rosette leaves 3–8, ovate to cordate, 0.3–0.6 cm long, 0.3–0.7 cm wide, petiolate, pale green, margins flat or crenulate, 1–3 rosettes arising laterally on the mature plant. Flowers 2–12(–16), erect, 7–10 mm long, green and white basally, reddish brown towards apex, rounded and plump, not crowded; galea erect in the basal half, curved forwards in the distal half; dorsal sepal shortly acuminate, apex sparsely scabrous; lateral sepals erect, tightly embracing the galea, sinus v-shaped when viewed from the front, not bulging when viewed from the side, free points linear-tapered, c. 2 mm long, not exceeding the galea; petals falcate. Labellum narrowly elliptic, 3.5–4 mm long, c. 1.5 mm wide, tip not visible through the sinus in the set position. Flowers Mar.–Jun.
VVP, GipP, OtP, EGL, HSF, HNF, VAlp. Widespread across southern Victoria on slopes and ridges in drier open forests and woodlands on well-drained soils, mostly east of Melbourne (e.g Dandenong Ranges, Walhalla, Cann River areas).
Characterised by its uncrowded, plump, rounded flowers that are brownish and scabrous towards the apex.
See note under P. multiflora.