Caladenia ancylosa
(D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh.Flowering plant 12–25 cm tall. Leaf 6–12 cm long, 5–10 mm wide. Flowers solitary; perianth segments 2–4 cm long, spreading stiffly, cream with pink to reddish streaks and suffusions; dorsal sepal 2.5–4 cm long, 2.5–3 mm wide, oblong-lanceolate basally, tapered and ending in a thickened osmophore 7–10 mm long; lateral sepals 2.5–4 cm long, 3.5–4.5 mm wide, ovate-lanceolate basally, tapered and ending in a thickened osmophore 6–10 mm long; petals 2–2.5 cm long, 2–2.3 mm wide, narrow-lanceolate basally, tapered to an acuminate tip. Labellum curved forward with apex recurved, lamina broadly ovate-lanceolate, obscurely 3-lobed, 10–13 mm long, 7–9 mm wide (when flattened), cream at base, apex dark red; marginal calli in 7–10 pairs, 0.5–1.2 mm long at base, reducing in length distally; lamina calli in 6 rows, extending well onto mid-lobe, linear to foot-shaped, c. 1 mm long at base of lamina, decreasing in size towards apex. Flowers Sep.–Oct.
GipP, EGL. Endemic to Victoria where known only from far East Gippsland, in the vicinity of Genoa, in tall open forest with a shrubby understorey on well-drained yellowish-brown gravelly loam.
This poorly known taxon is part of the Caladenia reticulata complex, which was recently split up into a multitude of segregate species.