Pterostylis corpulenta
(D.L.Jones) D.L.JonesFlowering plant 6–30 cm tall, stem wiry, stem leaves 3–5, closely sheathing. Rosette leaves 3–6, ovate to cordate, 3–7 mm long, 3–6 cm wide, petiolate, bluish green, margins flat, usually 1 or 2 rosettes arising laterally on the mature plant. Flowers 1–7, moderately crowded when several present, erect, 9–11 mm long, green and white basally, red-brown towards apex; galea inflated and erect in the basal half, curved forwards in the distal half; dorsal sepal shortly acuminate, apex scabrous, rather boldly striped; lateral sepals erect, tightly embracing the galea, sinus flat with a medial notch when viewed from the front, bulging then abruptly inflexed when viewed from the side, free points linear-tapered, 2–2.5 mm long, not exceeding the galea; petals falcate, dark brown with white stripes. Labellum elliptic, 4–4.5 mm long, 1.5–1.8 mm wide, tip not visible through the sinus in the set position, bright red-brown and white. Flowers Feb.–Jun.
VVP. Also SA. Known in Victoria only from the far south-west (Gorae and Portland areas), , usually growing in heathy woodland or heathland near swamp margins in sandy loam soils, but occasionally in drier sites on sandy soils.
Part of the P. parviflora complex, but distinguished by the plump flowers, the distinctive sinus, the brighty coloured labellum (hidden within the galea), and small rosette leaves.