Small carnivorous herbs of wet or damp places, annual or perennial, terrestrial, aquatic or epiphtytic, sometimes lacking true roots. Leaves radical, alternate, opposite or in whorls on stolons, often glandular, sometimes reduced. Inflorescence a raceme of flowers solitary-scapose. Flowers zygomorphic, bisexual; calyx 2–5 lobed; corolla 5-lobed, 2-lipped, lower lip usually spurrred; stamens 2, connivent, inserted at the base of the upper corolla lip,c 2 staminodes usually present, anthers 1- or 2-celled, opening by longitudinal slits; ovary superior, 1-celled, ovules few-many, stigma usually sessile or subsessile, 2-lobed, lobes unequal. Fruit a 2- or 4-valved capsule, opening by longitudinal slits or circumscissile, sometimes indehiscent; seeds usually numerous, lacking endosperm.
3 genera with c. 280 species, cosmopolitan but chiefly in tropical and subtropical regions; 1 genus with 57 species in Australia.
Jeanes, J.A. (1999). Lentibulariaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 547–553. Inkata Press, Melbourne.