Goodenia connata
(F.Muell.) K.A.Sheph. Cup GoodeniaRosetted, somewhat fleshy, glabrous annual, with ascending to erect flowering scapes to 1 m high, often glaucous. Leaves shortly petiolate, obovate to oblanceolate, 5–20 cm long (including petiole), 2–8 cm wide, obtuse, lyrate-pinnatipartite or margins denticulate, green to glaucous. Inflorescence a dichasium; bracteoles fused into a cup, 2–6 cm diam., usually toothed. Sepals 5, usually 8–11 mm long, connate into a tube at base, glabrous; corolla 15–17 mm long, usually glabrous outside, bearded inside, yellow, brownish or white, usually with purplish markings, wings to 1 mm wide; indusium depressed-ovate, with scattered long hairs around base, orifice more or less glabrous towards middle. Capsule compressed-ovoid, c. 8 mm long, c. glabrous; seeds orbicular, 5–6 mm diam., punctate, wing to 2.5 mm wide. Flowers mainly spring (but throughout the year).
LoM, MuM. Also WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW. Occasional in dunefields in the far north-west of Victoria (e.g. Hattah, Nowingi, Bambill areas). Generally a short-lived fire-follower.
Jeanes, J.A. (1999). Goodeniaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 589–615. Inkata Press, Melbourne.