Grevillea miqueliana subsp. miqueliana
Spreading to erect shrub 1.5–3 m high, 1.5–4 wide. Branchlets densely subvillous of biramous non-glandular hairs, epidermis not visible, with a lower layer of predominantly ascending hairs, with some appressed hairs, with an overlayer of predominantly erect and suberect Y-shaped hairs. Internodes usually distant. Leaves ovate to elliptic to occasionally obovate, (22–)30-85 mm long, 15–33 mm wide; upper surface glabrous, or asperulous and more or less smooth to touch or granulose, glossy; margins rolled downward to shortly recurved; lower surface loosely villous of biramous non-glandular hairs, epidermis clearly visible, lateral veins conspicuous to prominent, reticulum absent or evident; leaves usually soft-textured. Conflorescences simple to 2-branched, simple 61 %, once-branched 35 %, twice-branched 4 %. Primary peduncles (0–)5–12(–16) mm long, indumentum loosely to densely subvillous or densely tomentose; floral rachises 22–36(–42) mm long. Flowering has been recorded throughout the year especially at lower altitudes such as at Walhalla.
GipP, HSF, VAlp. GipP, HNF, HSF, VAlp. Confined to the central Gippsland and alpine region of Victoria, occuring from 300–1400 metres above sea level.

Stajsic, V.; Molyneux, W.M. (2006). Taxonomic studies in the Grevillea victoriae F.Muell. species complex (Proteaceae: Grevilleoideae) I. Descriptions of nine previously segregated, and three new taxa.. Muelleria 22: 22–76.