Stylidium androsaceum
Lindl. Book TriggerplantEphemeral, (25–)80–200 mm high, simple or branched near base. Leaves few, rosetted, ovate, obovate, elliptic to almost orbicular, 3–9(–15) mm long, 1–4 mm wide, sparsely glandular-pubescent, shortly petiolate. Flowers 1–5(–20) in a loose irregular corymb. Calyx globose, 1–3 mm long, sparsely glandular-pubescent, lobes slightly longer than tube, one more deeply set than others; corolla 6–15 mm across, white or pink, often with a red spot at base of posterior lobes, tube produced into a horizontally projecting nectary spur, lobes unequal, paired vertically, oblong-lanceolate, posterior pair smaller, 3-dentate, anterior pair curved and shallowly lobed at middle, labellum acute, petal-like, cupped, throat appendages 2 or absent; column c. 1 mm long; stigma strap-like, fringed. Capsule globose, c. 3mm long; seeds globose, c. 0.2 mm long, yellowish-brown, finely ridged. Flowers Jul.–Jan.
Wim, GleP, GGr, DunT. Rare in Victoria, where recorded only from the Grampians and nearby Deep Lead.
Raulings, E.J. (1999). Stylidiaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 579–587. Inkata Press, Melbourne.