Thelymitra ×merraniae
NichollsFlowering stem erect, straight, 15–40 cm tall, 2–3 mm diam., green to reddish. Leaf linear to linear-lanceolate, attenuate, (8–)15–20 cm long, 3–8 mm wide, fleshy, canaliculate, ribbed abaxially, sheathing at base, dark green, reddish at base. Inflorescence 1–6-flowered, usually loose. Sterile bracts 1 or 2. Perianth segments lanceolate to ovate, 8–12 mm long, dark blue to purplish, with darker spots on the dorsal sepal and petals. Column slender to stoutish, 3–5 mm long, pale blue to purplish; mid-lobe expanded, into a squarish hood over the anther, densely glandular on back, with a dark basal collar, apex undulate or tuberculate, yellow; accessory lobes hardly differentiated; lateral lobes converging 0.5–1 mm long, digitiform, porrect at base then bent sharply upwards near the middle at 90 deg., each with a sub-terminal tuft of shaggy cream hairs terminating below the mid-lobe. Anther inserted above centre of column, shortly beaked. Flowers Oct.–Nov.
GleP, VVP, GipP, OtP, EGL, HNF, OtR. Also SA, Qld, NSW, Tas. Rare in heathland and heathy woodlands.
An apparent hybrid of uncertain parentage. The shaggy cream-coloured hair tufts may indicate Thelymitra holmesii as one possible parent.