Potentilla recta
L. Erect CinquefoilErect perennial herb to 70 cm high; stems green or reddish, sparsely covered with short and long hairs. Leaves both basal (mainly immature plants) and cauline, palmate, 5–7-foliolate; leaflets oblanceolate to obovate, 1.5–8.0 cm long, 5–20 mm wide, upper surface almost glabrous, lower surface sparsely hairy with white spreading hairs, margins toothed; petioles 1.5–9.0 cm long with both short and long spreading white hairs; stipules to 3 cm long, with up to 3 teeth. Inflorescence a terminal cyme. Epicalyx lobes 5, lanceolate, 5–7 mm long, pilose; sepals 5, narrowly ovate, slightly longer than epicalyx lobes, pilose with short and long hairs; petals yellow, obovate, 6–12 mm long, longer than calyx. Fruit brown, enclosed by epicalyx and calyx. Flowers Nov.–Feb.
VVP, VRiv, GipP, NIS, EGU, HNF, Strz, HFE, VAlp. Also naturalised NSW, ACT, Tas. Native to Europe. Occurs along roadsides, in pasture and weedy areas such as saleyards, sometimes at high altitude (e.g. Dargo High Plains).
Jeanes, J.A.; Jobson, P.C. (1996). Rosaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 3, Dicotyledons Winteraceae to Myrtaceae, pp. 556–585. Inkata Press, Melbourne.