Papillaria flexicaulis
(Wilson) A.JaegerAsexual propagules absent. Plants dull dark green. Pendent stems to 30 cm long, pinnately branched; branches to 2 cm long, attenuate. Stem leaves erecto-spreading when moist, erect and strongly appressed when dry, triangular to ovate, 1.25–1.7 (–2) mm long, 0.6–1.2 mm wide, concave, not or weakly plicate; bases broadly cordate; apex acute to acuminate; costa extending 1/2–2/3 leaf length; margins serrulate in auricles, entire to slightly crenulate elsewhere, faintly undulate, without a border; laminal cells in apical half and midlaminal cells rounded-rhomboidal, rarely elliptic, (7–) 10–30 μm long, 2.5–8 μm wide, pluripapillose, except at apex where smooth; auricular cells rhomboid to ovate, pluripapillose, long axis perpendicularly intersecting margin; laminal cells at base near costa rectangular, (12–) 15–50 μm long, 5–15 μm wide, mostly smooth or with 1–3 papillae. Branch leaves similar to stem leaves, 0.78–1.1 mm long, 0.4–0.56 mm wide. Seta 3–8.7 mm long. Capsule ovoid, c. 1.2 mm long. Operculum c. 1 mm long.
EGL, HSF. Rare in rainforest in East Gippsland. Also QLD, NSW and Tas. India, Sri Lanka, Malesia, Taiwan, New Zealand and Chile.
de Oliveira, J.R.P.M.; Quandt, D.; Newton, A.E.; Pôrto, K.C.; Luong, T.-T.; Huttunen, S. (2020). Systematic Revision of Papillaria (Meteoriaceae, Bryophyta). Systematic Botany 45(3): 411–438.
Streimann, H. (1992). Moss genus Papillaria (Meteoriaceae) in the Pacific. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 71: 83–111.