Wittsteinia vacciniacea
F.Muell. Baw-Baw BerryTrailing or sprawling shrub to c. 40 cm high, branchlets puberulous, rooting near base. Leaves spreading, elliptic to obovate, 4–52 mm long, 2.5–30 mm wide, obtuse to acute, sparsely puberulous on margins and towards base, dark green with impressed venation above, pale whitish-green and obscurely veined below; margins serrate; axils with a tuft of long brown hairs. Flowers bisexual (?some cleistogamous), pendent, fragrant, 1–3 in axils; bracts 3–6, 1.5–3 mm long; calyx lobes 2–3.5 mm long; corolla pale green; tube 4.5–7 mm long; lobes triangular, slightly recurved, 2–3 mm long, margins undulate ± crenate; anthers slightly exserted. Fruit globose c. 5–10 mm long, greenish-white, calyx lobes persistent; seeds c. 6–12, ellipsoid, c. 2 mm long, shallowly pitted. Flowers Nov.–Jan.
WPro, HSF, HNF, VAlp. Endemic in Victoria. Mainly between Lake Mountain, Mt Donna Buang and the Baw Baw Plateau, where locally plentiful, but with isolated occurrences near Mt Cobbler and on Wilsons Promontory. Locally plentiful in rainforest margins, sheltered subalpine woodland and shrubland, particularly against tree trunks and large boulders.
Albrecht, D.E. (1996). Alseuosmiaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 3, Dicotyledons Winteraceae to Myrtaceae, pp. 541–542. Inkata Press, Melbourne.