Caladenia sp. aff. fragrantissima (Central Victoria)
Flowering plant to c. 40 cm tall. Leaf to 20 cm long, 13 mm wide. Flowers 1 or 2, strongly spicily-scented; perianth segments 55–65 cm long, pale to yellowish green with dark red to blackish glandular tips; sepals flattened at base, 2–4 mm wide, evenly tapered to a long tail sparsely to moderately densely covered in glands and/or glandular hairs; petals slightly shorter than sepals but otherwise similar. Labellum curved forward with apex recurved and lateral lobes erect, lamina ovate, obscurely 3-lobed, ca 16 mm long and 11 mm wide (when flattened), cream with reddish to purplish margins and calli; margins of lateral lobes fringed with linear calli to 2 mm long, margins of mid-lobe with shorter calli becoming tooth-like near tip; lamina calli evenly spaced in 4 or 6 rows, usually confined to basal two-thirds of lamina, slender, hooked, c. 1 mm long near base, decreasing in size towards apex. Flowers Oct.
Known only from two small populations in open box-ironbark forest near Bendigo.
Differs from Caladenia fragrantissima (and the closely related C. orientalis) in the purple rather than brown marginal teeth on the labellum and less dense osmophores on the sepals and petals, but precise relationships with this and other species in the group (e.g. C. cretacea, C. lindleyana, C. pilotensis) remain unclear.