Herbs 3.5–30 cm high, monoecious, sometimes with male flowers above, or rarely entirely male. Leaves 3, linear, the lowermost without expanded sheathing base, 6–20 cm long, 0.5–2 mm wide. Flowers 1–6; tepals ovate, 8–10 mm long, very shortly fused basally, spreading, white with pink nectaries; nectaries 2 per tepal, situated about one-third from base, marginal, thickened and shelf-like, sometimes pouch-like when dried; stamens from half to two-thirds as long as tepals, anthers red or purple. Flowers Aug.–Dec.
VRiv, CVU, NIS, EGL, HNF, MonT. Apparently rare in Victoria, known from a few scattered localities in the north-east (e.g. Myrtleford, Wulgulmerang, Corryong areas). Its habitat at these sites is unknown, but generally W. biglandulosa is a species of moist grassy and rocky areas.