Caleana major
R.Br. Large Duck-orchidFlowering plant 18–40 cm tall, with narrow sheathing bract towards base. Leaf narrow-lanceolate, 4–13 cm long, 4–8 mm wide, generally reddish. Flowers reddish-brown, 1–3 (with rudimentary bud at apex) on very slender pedicels subtended by acute bract; ovary humped; dorsal sepal curving closely beneath column, channelled, narrowly obovate to spathulate, mucronate, 12–15 mm long; lateral sepals reflexed, channelled, contracted above middle then narrowly tubular or pointed, 12–16 mm long; petals deflexed against wings of column, narrow-linear, c. 11 mm long. Labellum claw strap-like, curved, 5–8 mm long, attached to middle of inflated part of lamina; lamina obovate, 8–9 mm long, smooth, centre inflated and hollow, cavity open below, with beak-like extension on column side, and flattened blunt, down-curved appendage at distal end. Column incurved, very broadly winged from anther to base, cupped, wings connected to labellum claw. Flowers Sep.–Jan.
Wim, GleP, VVP, VRiv, GipP, OtP, Gold, CVU, GGr, DunT, NIS, EGL, EGU, HSF, HNF, OtR, Strz, MonT. All states except WA. Widespread but uncommon, usually in open-forest or heath-land, frequently in slightly disturbed habitats.
Entwisle, T.J. (1994). Orchidaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 2, Ferns and Allied Plants, Conifers and Monocotyledons, pp. 740–901. Inkata Press, Melbourne.