- Gamochaeta
Key to the species of Gamochaeta
1Leaves almost or quite concolourous, both surfaces cottony; inflorescence c. paniculate or contracted (but hardly spicate)Gamochaeta calviceps 1Leaves distinctly discolourous, glabrous, glabrescent or sparsely arachnoid above; inflorescences spicate2 2Basal leaves usually withering or withered by flowering and not persisting in a rosette; cauline leaves oblong to oblong-oblanceolate, those of the lower and mid-stem often distinctly subclasping (but not auriculate), often slightly decurrentGamochaeta americana 2Basal leaves usually persisting in a rosette at flowering; cauline leaves spatulate to oblanceolate, oblanceolate-oblong, or oblanceolate-obovate, none clasping or decurrentGamochaeta purpurea From: Walsh, N.G. (1999). Gamochaeta. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J. (eds), Flora of Victoria. Vol. 4. Cornaceae to Asteraceae. Inkata Press, Melbourne.