Convolvulus graminetinus
R.W.JohnsonPerennial herb with trailing or twining stems, moderately to sparsely hairy. Mid-stem leaves narrowly triangular to broadly ovate in outline, 24–40 mm long, 6–16 mm wide, usually deeply lobed, more or less digitate, occasionally entire with short, spreading to deflexed basal lobes to c. 1 cm long, apex acute or obtuse, mucronulate, base cordate, margins entire, hairs crisped, appressed to ascending; petiole 2–40 mm long. Flowers 1 or 2; peduncles 7–55 mm long; pedicels 2–12 mm long, recurved in fruit, shorter than peduncles; bracteoles linear to subulate, 1–2 mm long; sepals obovate to elliptic or oblong, 3–5 mm long, glabrous to sparsely hairy; corolla funnel-shaped, 6–10 mm long, pink, sometimes white, with a greenish throat. Capsule globose, 4–5.5 mm diam.; seeds finely punctate, with an even pattern of irregular tubercles, lacking ridges and wings, glabrous. Flowers mostly in summer and autumn.
MuM, VRiv, MuF, EGU, HNF. Apparently rare in Victoria where known from grassland or woodland communities on relatively fertile soils sometimes prone to inundation (Wycheproof, Swan Hill, Kerang, Omeo areas).