Dioicous with dwarfed males or males similar in size to females. Asexual propagules absent. Stem creeping with erect, simple or infrequently branched branches, with rhizoids mostly near base; central strand absent. Stem leaves smaller than branch leaves with less strongly differentiated alar cells, otherwise similar to branch leaves, ovate to lanceolate, arranged around stem and facing all directions, erect- to wide-spreading when moist, scarcely altered when dry; apex acute, mucronate or obtuse; costa absent; margins entire, incurved near apices, without a border; laminal cells rhomboid or linear-rhomboid, becoming rectangular toward base, smooth; alar cells strongly differentiated, quadrate, orange or red-brown. Capsules shortly emergent, erect or nearly so, straight or slightly asymmetric, cylindric, with a non-revoluble annulus. Calyptra cucullate, smooth, glabrous. Operculum obliquely rostrate. Peristome of 16 entire teeth. Spores large, greater than 100 µm diameter, with endosporic protenemata.
Two species, one shared between eastern mainland Australia, New Caledonia, Norfolk and Raoul Islands, and one endemic to Queensland and north-east New South Wales.