Aerial shrubs, stem-parasitic, erect, spreading or pendulous, whole plant or at least young parts with a dense indumentum of dendritic or stellate hairs and/or peltate scales; stems often dichotomously branched, branches with 1 pair of prophylls and 1 pair of acute cataphylls at right-angles to them near base. Leaves petiolate, curvinerved. Inflorescence terminal, of 1 or more small fan-like cymes (cymules), each subtended by a pair of narrow, acute bracts; cymules solitary or in determinate (in Victoria) or indeterminate conflorescences. Flowers 3–13 per cymule, developing centrifugally, the central one(s) male, laterals female; male flowers 4-merous, anthers many-celled, ovoid to reniform, on a short filament; female flowers 4-merous, ovary cylindric to barrel-shaped. Fruit usually ellipsoidal, crowned by persistent tepals.
8 species, from Sri Lanka through South-east Asia to eastern Australia; 4 species in Australia.
Jeanes, J.A. (1999). Viscaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 45–47. Inkata Press, Melbourne.