Soft-wooded decumbent to scrambling or semi-scandent perennial herbs; stems densely tomentose, aromatic when crushed. Leaves alternate, subsessile, entire, margins plane to undulate. Inflorescences corymbose or pyramidal, of many capitula. Capitula cylindric or narrowly obconic; involucral bracts in several series, linear to narrow-spathulate, lamina of at least the inner bracts spreading, entire, white, papery; receptacle bracts absent; outermost florets female, inner florets bisexual, 5-lobed, anthers with flat appendages; style branches truncate, with apical hairs. Cypselas with few scattered twin-hairs; pappus persistent, bristles capillary, barbellate.
Two species from South Africa, one sparingly naturalised in Australia.