Ajuga reptans
L.Stoloniferous procumbent perennial to 30 cm high; stolons glabrous. Leaves obovate to elliptic, 2–14 cm long, 5–50 mm wide, surfaces glabrous or glabrescent, apex obtuse, base attenuate, margin entire to crenate ± undulate; petiole 8–85 mm long. Internodes of inflorescence usually apparent towards base; floral leaves reducing distally, ovate, entire to crenate. Calyx 5–6 mm long, pilose, lobes 2–3 mm long, veined. Corolla 12–16 mm long, blue, rarely pink or white, tube longer than calyx, mid-lobe of abaxial lip 2-lobed, lateral lobes oblong, adaxial lip 1–1.5 mm long; stamens exserted beyond adaxial lip. Mericarps reticulate. Recorded flowering in Victoria Nov.–Dec.
VVP, GipP, HSF, VAlp. Native to Europe and adjacent areas. Recorded in Victoria from weedy roadsides in the Dandenongs and from a grassy laneway at nearby Cockatoo.